Hey, I’m Rachel
- total empath
- rescue fur mom & animal lover
- nature girl
- unapologetically loud, but when I make a fool of myself during your session to make you laugh it's worth it
- true crime podcast fiend
- born and raised here in AZ and proud of it
- wholeheartedly believe ice cream is the best dessert
- mediocre cook
- seriously, I'm always cold
- super clumsy, no lie I once dropped my camera in the river

My Other Half...
When I'm not out scouting amazing Arizona locations and planning sessions, editing at home, or shooting incredible clients, I enjoy spending my time camping and off-roading with my partner Robert, our families, and our pups.
Photo of Robert and me by Jennifer Rupprecht Photography, Edited by me

- never stops moving
- found in a box on the street
- brings back at least one bone on every camping trip
- doesn't play well with other pups
- will aggressively lick your face
- comes when called
- thinks the Amazon boxes are delivered for him
- drinks the milk from abandoned cereal bowls 10/10 times
- the best bug hunter

- my first love
- the old man
- nothing will stand in his way of a stolen snack
- always wants to play ball
- has the vocabulary of a small child